NorBAN Code of Conduct

Approved by the Board of NorBAN at boardmeeting 06/2023 on the 15th of August, 2023.

By accepting membership in NorBAN, I acknowledge having read, understood, and agree to abide by these regulations. I understand that non-compliance with the regulations, through breaches of the provisions, may result in disciplinary actions, including exclusion from the association.

§ 1 – General Conduct

All members are expected to contribute to an inclusive environment where everyone feels safe and valued. This entails acting respectfully and considerately towards other members, volunteers, employees, and guests at all times. Discriminatory, threatening, or offensive behavior in any context is not permitted under any circumstance.

The requirement for respectful behavior applies in particularly to the association’s own events and meetings, but also in other contexts where one may encounter members of the association, such as at events hosted by partners or by other actors in the startup ecosystem.

Any member exhibiting unacceptable behavior that may be perceived as harmful to individuals’ well-being or the association’s reputation may be expelled from the event by the organizers and, in the case of repeated incidents, denied access to future events following a decision by the board.

§ 2 – Professionalism and Integrity

All members are required to behave professionally and adhere to ethical guidelines in a manner that ensures the integrity and reputation of the association.

In any business context, one must act honestly, responsibly, and transparently, avoiding any possible conflicts of interest or participation in illegal activities or actions that could threaten the association’s goals or reputation and bring the association into disrepute.

It is encouraged to seek positive collaboration and mutual support among the association’s members, which entails respecting different perspectives and contributing constructively to discussions and decision-making processes by valuing and acknowledging the contributions and efforts of others.

§ 3 – Physical Safety and Respect for Property and Premises

All members are responsible for maintaining the physical safety and well-being of themselves and others in all activities and interactions related to the association. This includes following safety guidelines and instructions given by the association’s representatives or other coordinators, especially when participating in physically demanding or potentially hazardous activities.

All members are further responsible for treating the association’s and other members’ property and premises with care and respect. Any instances of damage or loss of the association’s property must be immediately reported to the event organizer or the board.

Members who intentionally or grossly negligently cause damage to the association’s or other members’ property or premises may be held financially responsible for repair costs or compensation for the damages caused.

§ 4 – Limitation on Involvement in Financial Activities

No member shall as part of the operations of the association take responsibility for or be involved in providing capital management or investment advice to members or other actors in a manner that may appear as financial guidance or investment recommendations.

However this shall not be interpreted as a hindrance for members of the association to facilitate information about investment opportunities for other members, nor for individual members, partners, or their respective companies to engage in capital management or financial advice for either members and non-members through an external business, regardless of their role and position in the association.

§ 5 – Responsibility for Contributions to the Association

All members should actively participate in the organization’s activities and events to the extent possible, and are encouraged to contribute to the network with their knowledge, experience, and skills in support of the organization’s work and objectives.

In cases where members have accepted to perform voluntary tasks or taken responsibility in various projects or committees within the organization, the member must ensure compliance with all deadlines, guidelines, and instructions provided for the role by the organization’s board or responsible coordinators or organizers. Members that have accepted such responsibilities are required to notify the board or the nearest coordinator as soon as possible if it appears that they will not be able to fulfill a responsibility they have undertaken.

§ 6 – Membership Fee

All members are required to pay an annual membership fee to the association in accordance with the rates applicable to their current membership category and chosen membership type.

Any paid membership fees are valid for one year only and is a prerequisite for participation in the association’s meetings, events, and activities.

§ 7 – Confidentiality

Meetings within the association are always covered by the Chatham House Rule:

“When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.”

As a result, all members must treat as anonymous and confidential all information obtained about each other’s activities as a consequence of membership in the association and participation in the association’s meetings, including Annual Meetings, Board Meetings, and other gatherings. Breach of this can result in exclusion from the association.

§ 8 – Breach of Regulations

All members are required to familiarize themselves with and adhere to the organization’s guidelines and rules, as well as to comply with all applicable laws and regulations while representing the organization. If one is unsure of the correct course of action in a given situation, guidance should be sought from the board or an appointed representative of the association.

If any breaches of these regulations, or any concerns regarding misconduct or unethical behavior are observed, they must be immediately reported to the association’s board in accordance with our whistleblowing policy. One is also required to fully cooperate in any investigations conducted by the association regarding reported breaches.

Depending on the severity of the breach, violations of the regulations can lead to disciplinary actions, including warnings, denial of access to events, temporary suspension, or permanent exclusion as a member, as decided by the association’s board. Disciplinary measures can be implemented after a fair and impartial assessment by the board, where the person concerned has the right to present their version of the case.

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